How to Chelate Your Hair With a Lemon and Dish Soap

Upstyle Trends
by Upstyle Trends
4 Materials
20 Minutes

In this video, Yana Irbe shares her tips and advice on how to chelate your hair. Yana explains that chelating is the process of drawing out metals and that excess metals in your hair can weigh it down and make it appear dull.

Yana disclaims that she’s not a hairdresser. Although this process worked great on her hair, all hair is different, so do a patch test before committing your entire head of hair to the process.

Keep reading to learn how to chelate your hair at home!

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1. Wash your hair with Dawn dish soap

Wash your hair as you usually would, but use Dawn dish soap instead of your regular shampoo!

2. Apply lemon

Cut your lemon in half and then squeeze the juice onto your hair.

Your hair won’t feel nice during this stage, but stick with it!

Leave the juice to sit for a couple of minutes then rinse it all out.


3. Apply a toner/purple conditioner (optional)

Yana then applied a purple conditioner to her hair and let it sit only for a short amount of time to avoid her hair turning purple! 

4. Apply a deep conditioner

Next, apply a deep conditioner or mask to your hair and let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing.

How to chelate your hair

And you’re done! Yana shares a before and after photo at the end of her video and the results are seriously impressive.

Will you give this a go? Let us know in the comments down below. 

Then, head over to Yana’s YouTube channel for more great content. 

Suggested materials:
  • Dawn dish soap
  • Lemon
  • Purple shampoo/toner (optional)
See all materials

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2 of 66 comments
  • Luanne Aydelotte Luanne Aydelotte on Sep 09, 2024

    Back in the 70s I had hair long enough to sit on. I used Cheer laundry soap and white vinegar to wash n rinse my hair. It made it shine beautifully. Years later they changed the formula I think as it Didn't work as well.

  • Ps0123291208 Ps0123291208 on Sep 15, 2024

    No. at my age (pure white hair) I'm too old.
