Hack for Getting ALL the Mascara Out the Tube

Mascara is pricey with some brands getting up to $40!

That's why it's important you use every drop before tossing the tube (or returning the tube depending on which brand you buy)

This beauty secret is well known but if you've never heard of it then it's going to change your life! All you need is a mascara that's running low and some contact solution... yeah you read that right CONTACT SOLUTION! Any brand any kind you only need a few drops anyways.

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Notice here the mascara barely spread and is already running low it also comes on alot drier

That's where this comes in!

Put a few drops of contact solution in your mascara!!!

TIP: try starting off with 3-4 drops then adding more if needed

Once you are done adding contact solution close the mascara tube and shake it very well

WOW! Look how well it spread this time after I added a few drops! Even the color is different now it's so much more black.

Click HERE to follow me on Instagram

Find me on TikTok @roxanna.roxi

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3 of 35 comments
  • Lyn Lesikar Lyn Lesikar on Nov 13, 2022

    I have been using generic eye drops for years and it works good.

  • Sharon Stecher Sharon Stecher on Dec 04, 2022

    Will tap water work?

    • Dana Voiles Plato Dana Voiles Plato on Dec 06, 2022

      I was told to never use water to extend the life of your mascara! Too many germs can harbor in the tube.

      As a matter of fact, you should keep the packaging that your mascara comes in, write the date that you opened it and discard it within 3-4 months. At least no longer than 6 months!!!!! Don’t take chances with your eyes, you only have one pair.
