DIY Toner Tutorial for Fresh and Glowing Skin

by ModaMob
7 Materials
10 Minutes

Have you ever cleansed your face and thought it was clean, then used a toner and got more dirt and oil out? I think we all have!

Toners are great to use but they can work out really expensive. This DIY toner will leave your face feeling extra clean. And a bonus is that the rose oil smells divine!

Tools and materials:

  • Witch hazel
  • Aloe vera gel
  • Rose essential oil
  • Tablespoon
  • Small bowl
  • Whisk
  • Spray bottle
Ingredients for DIY toner

1. Measure out the ingredients

Measuring out ingredients

Measure two tablespoons of witch hazel, one tablespoon of aloe vera gel and eight drops of rose essential oil into a small glass bowl.


2. Whisk

Use a small hand whisk to blend the ingredients together.

It will take a few minutes for the gel to break down and integrate with the oil and witch hazel.

The consistency you want depends on how you’re going to use it. 

Adding more witch hazel

If it feels too thick and gel-like to put in a spray bottle, add more witch hazel. 

If you want it less runny so you can dab it on with cotton wool balls, use more aloe vera gel.

You can totally customize this recipe to suit you perfectly.

We added quite a lot more witch hazel and a few drops more of the essential oil because we love the smell so much!

Decanting DIY toner

3. Decant

Pour the toner into a small bottle to use it. We put some in a spray bottle and the rest in a flip top container.

DIY toner

4. Use

Use the toner daily after cleansing. It helps to remove the last traces of cleanser as well as any oil that the cleanser missed.

You can also use the thicker version on your skin before starting your night time routine.

Spraying DIY toner

DIY toner

You can swap out the rose essential oil for another one if you’re not keen on the smell. The cost of the ingredients is so low, you can afford to experiment with the recipe until you find the perfect match for your skin.

You don’t need to keep this in the fridge, although it does feel even more amazing if you use it when it’s cold.

Do let us know in the comments below if you try this and what you think of it.

Next, check out this Super Easy DIY Skin Tightening Cream Tutorial.

Suggested materials:
  • Witch hazel
  • Aloe vera gel
  • Rose essential oil
See all materials

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