The 5 Styling Secrets of Chic Women

Silvana Patrick
by Silvana Patrick

There are a lot of stigmas regarding stylish women: some people believe they have tons of clothing and that they are always purchasing to keep up with trends.

Follow along to learn 5 true styling secrets that will totally transform your style.

There’s nothing wrong with admiring style influencers if you keep in mind that their aim is to get you to buy something. Make sure you don’t lose your personal style in the process.

In my own experience working with phenomenal women of true style, I noticed that their fashion sense involves knowing themselves so well and building style rules and habits over time.

In other words, having a large wardrobe filled with the latest trends is not what makes them stylish women.

1. Be mindful when getting dressed

If you only have 5 minutes to spare, consider checking your closet on a regular basis for stains, wrinkles, loose buttons etc. This will eliminate a lot of frustration when trying to put together casual chic outfit ideas.

Checking the shirt

You might use a lint roller or do a quick steam to freshen up your clothes.

Steaming clothing piece

Alternatively, use those 5 minutes to consider your accessories and final touches.

This could mean adding a belt to work with your body’s proportions, simply tucking in your blouse or even rolling up your sleeves to tidy up the look.

A quick hack to keep your sleeves up: use a hair tie!

Casual chic outfit idea

2. Learn the 3 words that describe you

This day and age, it’s never been easier to buy online. The downside is overconsumption when we don’t do the “homework” for understanding our personal styles. You might end up with a wardrobe that’s a muddled conglomeration of too many styles.

When looking for new items, consider your mood and the 3 words that describe your style. Does the look tie in with your current mood–classic, feminine, edgy, modern? Are there certain silhouettes that you find yourself drawn to?

In my case, I always try to include 1 sexy element to most of my casual chic outfit ideas. Then I try to balance it out with a sharp, tailored piece and a classic item.

Casual chic outfit idea

The more you develop a critical mindset about what matters to you, the less you’ll be compelled to buy impulsively.

3. Knowing your personal style

A benefit of reviewing this often is developing your own set of style rules for a cohesive, personal style. I have lots of tutorials dedicated to this subject, such as this post showing how to use the 3 word method to find your personal style.

4. Adjust proportion to your personal style

It’s important to understand proportion and use it to show off your body in a way that you want. Proportion in clothing is used to create harmony and balance.

Here, the sharp lines of this blazer evoke assertiveness, but I still want balance. So I mixed the soft lines of the pants to elude to femininity and an approachable vibe.

Casual chic outfit idea

5. Challenge the status quo

Release from your mind the concept that items should be worn in a certain way only–there’s no such fashion rule!

For example, adding trousers under a dress can add dimension to the outfit as well as warmth. For best results, you need to strike a balance between the 2 items.

Looser, flowy dresses can be paired with leggings or panty hose while fitted dresses can pair well with wide leg trousers for a more relaxed vibe.

Casual chic outfit idea

Complimentary colors and textures can also help enhance the overall look.

Casual chic outfit idea

Maybe you feel like experimenting with accessories? Here I’m wearing a brooch as a necklace! My aim is to incorporate statement items in as many ways as possible while still feeling like ourselves.

If this feels daunting, try pairing such an item with a classic and basic outfit. The result is expanding your closet in a sustainable way!

Casual chic outfit idea

Styling secrets

Now that you’ve learned my 5 styling secrets, let me know in the comments which one is your favorite!

Next, learn how to style 4 classic clothing items with a contemporary twist.

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