A Nurse's Trick to Keeping Your White Shoes WHITE

2 Materials
1 Minute

Hi guys

Today's post is a little trick that a nurse told me.

White trainers are very hard to keep white "Well bright white let's say

You won't need to use white trainer cleaner that takes a while to dry, or use any abrasive cleaning products. That will eventually wreck the trainers.

Looking like they are brand new once more, "is easier then most people think. Maybe you have seen this trick before?

If not. Stick with me.

Learning this trick, Has kept my mesh white trainers looking brand new for over one year now.

I will thank the nurse.

Because this really works.

I do find this trick fast, easy, and very effective! I wanted to wear them on the day and never had long to make them look clean.

"I did end up wearing them 👏

You will need white trainers that have dirt marks on.

Let's start .

Below are the dirty trainers.

Looking, "very of white in colour.

To change the colour all you need is.

*Talc powder..

No water atall to remove the dirt.

Yardley lavender talc.

Any talc will work. As long as it's white. It's ok.

* put your hand inside the trainer, pushing up any imperfections making the trainer flat.

Add some talc to the middle of the front of the trainer

like below.

Rub it in with your fingers.

I am in the bathroom doing this as it can become a little messy.

Keep rubbing the talc into the mesh of the trainer.

Untill you no longer see any marks.

All done.

Looking much better. And white!

Looking Brand New in fact.

So much easier then washing them waiting for them to dry.

The nurse who told me this said everyday she would use this trick,

Making her trainer's look brand New daily.

Since I heard that tip. I've never looked back.

A must try to keep white trainers White.

Hope you try, if so enjoy.

Thank you

Suggested materials:
  • Yardley English lavender talc powder   (Anazon)
  • White mesh trainers   (Amazon)

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