Pretty Vintage Pin Curls Tutorial for Long Hair

by Loepsie
7 Materials
2 Hours

I love vintage hairstyles and when I had my hair first cut short, I tried putting it into curls using soft rollers.

It was something of a disaster and looked like I was wearing a curly helmet!

Now my hair has grown below shoulder length, I wanted to try making vintage pin curls in long hair.

Was it successful? Let’s find out!

Tools and materials:

  • Pin curl prong clips
  • Setting lotion
  • Small spray bottle
  • Medium-toothed tail comb
  • Scarf
  • Hair dryer with diffuser (optional)
  • Hairspray (optional)
Prong clips

1. Getting my supplies together

I used setting lotion diluted half and half with water in a small spray bottle. 

For holding the curls I got some pin curl prong clips, because I didn’t think bobby pins would hold my thick hair firmly enough.

These wouldn’t be very comfortable to sleep on but as I was doing this during the day and on dry hair, it wasn’t a problem.

Sectioning hair

2. Section the hair

I usually wear my hair with a center part, but for this style I decided on a side parting for the vintage hairstyle I envisaged.

Applying product

Starting at the front hairline, I sectioned off about 2 inches of hair at the parting.

I sprayed it with the diluted setting lotion from the roots to the tips and combed it through.

Curling hair

3. Curl it up

It took me a while to remember how to make the pin curls. I curled the ends around my fingers and then rolled the curl up towards my hair.

I didn’t want my curls to be too small so I wrapped them around two fingers.

Adding clips

When I’d curled the hair as far as I wanted, I turned it so it was flat against my head and secured it with the clip. 

I made a second pin curl below the first.

I was aiming to make the curls a consistent size and to curl them all in the same direction. 

Adding clips

4. Side sections

As I worked towards the back of my head, I didn’t want the curls to be too close to the top of my head.

When I started the second row on that side, I didn’t bring the curl right up to the parting.

Curling hair

I made two curls in each row on that side, then started on the thicker side of the parting.

I made the curls around my face first, then worked towards the back of my head.

Clipped hair

5. Back section

I curled the back in horizontal rows across my head.

I discovered it’s very important to make sure the ends of the hair are curled quite tightly, as you’ll see when I remove the clips later.

I made about eight curls across the back of my head in two rows.

Altogether I only spent about 15 minutes putting in the pin curls.

Drying hair

6. Dry the hair

I wrapped my hair in a scarf and left it to dry naturally for a couple of hours.

Then I used my hairdryer with a diffuser pressed against my hair to make sure all the curls were dry on the inside as well.

The comb-out

7. The comb-out

I removed a clip at the back to check that my hair was completely dry, then released the other curls.

I finger-combed my hair to relax the curls a little. 

The comb-out

Then I combed through them in sections with a medium-toothed comb.

This can be a little tricky as you don’t want to comb the curl out completely, but you do want them to blend in with each other.

I was pretty pleased with the way they looked after the first comb through, at least from the front.

The comb-out

When I finally saw the back, I realized that the curls weren’t as successful as at the front.

Some of the ends were straight where I hadn’t curled them tightly enough.

Styling hair

8. Dressing out

Then it was a case of arranging my hair into a style I liked. I added some bobby pins at the front to make a wave.

Vintage pin curls on long hair

Vintage pin curls on long hair

Overall, I was much happier with this attempt than my earlier ones.

I learned that the back curls need to be tighter and perhaps have less hair in each.

I definitely prefer having a straight section at the roots and only starting the curls part way down.

Do you like these vintage styles? Let me know if you have any tips for me.

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Suggested materials:
  • Pin curl prong clips
  • Setting lotion
  • Small spray bottle
See all materials

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