How to Turn Shells Into Pendants

by Arielle
3 Materials
10 Minutes

In this tutorial, we’re going to turn seashells into beautiful pendants. You can use these pendants on necklaces, bracelets, and even earrings!

I’ll share with you 3 different ways you can turn shells into pendants.

Depending on the type of shell you have, this process will be different. Let’s get into it.

Tools and materials:

  • Glue
  • Pin
  • Pearl bead
Shell with hole

1. Use a shell with a hole already in it

You’ll need a hole so you can thread a hook, wire, or chain through it depending on the piece of jewelry you want to make.

As you can see with this shell, there’s already a small hole at the top of it.

If it’s too thin, you can use a pin to carefully crack it which I will show you in the next way. 


If it’s wide enough, you can go ahead and glue a piece of wire with a loop into the hole. 

Shell and pin

2. Screw a hole into the shell with a pin

For a shell like this, you’ll want to crack holes into them with a pin as pictured.

Be careful when doing this, and use a round screwing motion to create the hole rather than using blunt force. 

Gluing a pearl to the shell

3. Glue a pearl to the shell

If you don’t want to worry about screwing a pin in the shell or you don’t want to deal with wire, you can instead glue a pearl bead into the inside of the shell so you can thread it on a necklace.

How to turn shells into pendants

How to turn shells into pendants

There are three ways you can transform a simple seashell into a pendant for your DIY jewelry.

All you have to do now is decorate your pretty pendants! Let me know which process is your favorite in the comments below.

Next, learn 3 Ways to Turn Bows Into Accessories.

Follow me on TikTok:   @my.fairy.alias 

Suggested materials:
  • Glue
  • Pin
  • Pearl bead

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