Super Glam Disco Eye Makeup Tutorial

Shonagh Scott
by Shonagh Scott

I have a fabulous disco eye makeup look that you have to try. I’m going to show you how to achieve this ombre metallic pearl iridescent finish. Let’s get started!

Tools and materials:

  • Eyeshadow brushes
  • Light brown eyeshadow
  • Pink eyeshadow stick
  • Blue eyeshadow stick
  • Metallic gold eyeshadow
  • Light/white eyeshadow
  • Mascara
  • Individual lashes
  • Q-tip
Applying eyeshadow

1. Base

Take a light brown shade and use it to warm up the socket.

Applying eyeshadow

Then use a pink sparkly eyeshadow stick on the inner corner of the eye.

Applying eyeshadow

Use a blue eyeshadow stick on the outer corner. Blend them slightly at the center. They will work as a base for the eyeshadow. Apply the corresponding eyeshadow colors over the top.

Applying eyeshadow

2. Wing it

Using a small brush create a precise wing on the outer edge of the eye and then blend the edges with a brown eyeshadow.

Applying eyeshadow

Top the center of the lid with a little bit of gold metallic.

Applying eyeshadow

3. Mirror the look on the bottom

Mirror all these shades on the lower lid. If it gets messy, clean it with a Q-tip.

Applying eyeshadow

4. Highlights and finishing touches

Go in with a light shade to add some highlights to the brow bone and the inner corner.

Applying mascara

Finish the look with some mascara and individual lashes.

Adding lashes
Disco eye makeup

Disco eye makeup

How gorgeous is this? It’s definitely not an everyday look, but I love the finished result. Give it a try and leave me a comment to let me know what you think. When would you wear this look?

Next, check out these Easy 2 Methods for Curling Your Eyelashes.

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