Create a Pom Pom and Burlap Ice Cream Cone Necklace

Beth @CreativelyBeth
by Beth @CreativelyBeth
30 Minutes

There is not a better way to celebrate Summer!

Burlap has always reminded me of a waffle ice cream cone, so this idea has been floating around in my head for a while and I am so excited to finally be able to create this Pom Pom and Burlap Ice Cream Cone Necklace.

This project is for the fourth day of Craft Lightning Burlap Week! All week long, my friends, Carolina and Angie have invited me (along with some of our crafty friends) to share fast and fun crafts that can be made with burlap in 15 minutes or less. Check out Day One HERE and Day Two HERE and Day Three HERE. Be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom of this post to check out the creative ideas, and come back all week long to get quick and easy burlap craft inspiration.

Summer Fun Ice Cream Cone Necklace

This post, Create a Pom Pom and Burlap Ice Cream Cone Necklace, contains affiliate links. Using links to these sites means I will earn a percentage of the purchase at no extra cost to you.

Here's what you need to make a Pom Pom and Burlap Ice Cream Cone Necklace:

Here's how to create an ice cream cone necklace with burlap and pom poms:

Step One

Roll burlap square into a cone and secure (carefully) with hot glue.

Step Two

Trim cone to size with scissors.

Step Three

Insert the screw eye into pom pom and secure with a small amount of hot glue.

Step Four

Stack three pom poms on top of each other and secure with hot glue. Glue pom poms inside the cone. Thread necklace through the screw eye.

These Pom Pom and Burlap Ice Cream Cone Necklaces go together quickly and easily. Make them in 15 minutes with the kiddos and create some for all of their friends. The best part is they won't MELT!

Sharing is Caring!

Too busy to make this right now? Pin it for later! I’d love for you to pin this project to your favorite craft board on Pinterest and then it’ll be waiting for you when you’re ready.

Visit my website Creatively Beth for a TON of Craft Tutorials, Home Decor DIYs, and FREE Printables.

Thanks for stopping by!

Creatively, Beth

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Beth @CreativelyBeth
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