How to Sew a Gorgeous Quilted Bag

by Recreateful
6 Materials
2 Hours

Let’s make a beautiful quilted bag.

I will guide you through all the steps of the process of making a quilted bag pattern and I’ll also show you how to sew a bag lining.

You don’t need to be an experienced sewer for this project. I’m going to make it easy and walk you through the steps of how to sew a bag for beginners.

Tools and materials:

  • 3.3 feet of lightweight fabric
  • 1.6 feet of lightweight fabric for lining
  • 1.6 feet of medium weight wadding
  • Matching thread
  • Elastic thread
  • Zipper (7 inches or larger)
Quilted bag pattern

1. Cut and prepare

First cut the fabric pieces. Cut 2 pieces of the bag body, 2 front zipper covers, 2 side zipper covers,1 handle, and 1 bag bottom.

Marking fabric

Next it’s time to mark the bag body pieces for quilting. We do this by making a grid.

Cover the body of the bag with vertical and horizontal lines that are 3.3 inches apart. This will give you 7 vertical lines and 4 horizontal ones.


2. Shirring

The bag pieces will have to be shirred and this will be done using the elastic thread.

Following the lines on the grid you need to shirr the bag body pieces on both the vertical and horizontal lines.

The color of the elastic thread does not matter however, make sure your regular thread matches your fabric because it will be visible.

Progress shot

Repeat the shirring process on the bag bottom.

The grid will be divided in half lengthwise and in sections 3.3 inches apart width wise. Do the same with the handle.

Pattern pieces

3. Trace and cut

Use the finished products to trace and cut the wadding and lining pieces. Cut 2 wadding and 2 lining pieces for the body of the bag.

Then cut 1 wadding piece and 1 lining piece for the bag bottom and 1 wadding piece for the handle. We don’t need lining for the handle.

Adding fabric to wadding

Topstitch your fabric to the wadding pieces, all around the edges. 

Adding fabric to wadding

You will have to pleat the extra fabric that is created from the shirring.

Adding the handle

4. Handle

To sew the handle, fold the right sides together lengthwise.

Just make sure you don’t catch the fabric from the inside.

It will also help to sew a string to 1 end of the handle before folding. 

Adding the handle

This will help turn the handle right side out after sewing.

Due to the wadding it won’t be possible to turn it right side out with a safety pin.

Once you’ve turned the handle right side out you can cut off the string.


5. Zipper

Now let’s assemble the zipper with the zipper covers.

My zipper is 7 inches long. I’d recommend not going any shorter than that for the zipper, but longer is fine.

Start by encasing the zipper tape between the right sides of the side zipper covers.

Once that’s sewn together, turn the cover right side out. Repeat the same step on the other side.

Adding the handle

Now that the zipper is covered on both sides, let’s cover the top and bottom of the zipper with the smaller zipper covers.

Again you will be encasing the zipper between the right side of the zipper.

Once you’re done with both sides you will have a fully encased zipper.

Assembling the bag

6. Assemble the bag

Start assembling the bag by sandwiching the zipper between the bag piece and the lining piece and sewing along the top edge. 

Assembling the bag

Repeat the same steps on the other side. 

Assembling the bag

Next we can add the bottom piece by pinning and sewing it along the bag body pieces, making sure we do not include the lining.

Start pinning from the center outwards, in case the pieces don’t line up perfectly. Repeat these steps with the bag and bottom lining as well.

Assembling the bag

Next we can open the zipper to attach the bottom to the other side of the bag. 

Assembling the bag

Now we need to attach the handles by stitching it to the sides of the bag from the inside.

You only need to attach it to the main piece, not the lining.

Assembling the bag

Folding the lining of the bottom piece over to the bag we can now close the sides, completely encasing the zipper cover and handle end.

Making the finishing touches to the DIY bag

7. Finishing touches

Now we can attach the lining bottom to the lining body leaving a 4 inch gap at the bottom of the bag. 

Making the finishing touches to the DIY bag

Then use the gap to pull the lining over the bag. 

Making the finishing touches to the DIY bag

Lastly close the gap by folding the raw edges inside and top stitching it.

Making the finishing touches to the DIY bag

Making the finishing touches to the DIY bag

All the left to do is turn the bag right side out, through the zipper.

Making the finishing touches to the DIY bag
DIY quilted bag

DIY quilted bag

This bag was easy to make and I love the outcome.

The shirring gives the bag such a unique look and makes it really interesting.

The bag is lightweight and fits a lot of stuff.

Leave me a comment and let me know if anything was unclear or if you have any questions. 

Next, learn How to Sew a Dreamy DIY Ruffle Dress Out of Old Curtains.

Suggested materials:
  • 3.3 feet of lightweight fabric
  • 1.6 feet of lightweight fabric for lining
  • 1.6 feet of medium weight wadding
See all materials

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